Telugu budding actress Neetu Agarwal was arrested by AP police for her involvement in red sanders smuggling. Neetu is in a relationship with film producer and YSRCP leader K Mastan Vali, who produced her Telugu film ‘Prema Prayanam’.
Police ceased her bank account and sealed her flat in Hyderabad. the actress was produced before the Koilakuntla court in Kurnool district where she was sent to judicial remand till May 7.
Mastan Vali, who was living with Neetu had transferred huge amounts to Neetu's accounts."She has been involved closely with the smugglers. We are investigating into her role," SP said.
Neetu Agarwal, a native of Rajasthan met Vali in February 2013 and secretly married Vali last year. She was his third wife.
South indian Actress Neetu Agarwal Arrested